Laser for Varicose Veins Treatment in Melbourne

What you need to find out about laser treatment for varicose veins.


Lasers are the most commonly known procedure for treating varicose veins. A laser is a highly focused beam of light. The laser treatment works by using heat to destroy the enlarged vein,Laser for Varicose Veins Treatment in Melbourne Articles forming a scar tissue that closes the vein.


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What are the different kinds of laser treatments?


Many types of laser treatment are used to treat varicose veins, and these are the most common ones:


Simple laser treatment


Simple laser treatment is bemer készülék részletre performed on the top layer of your skin. It can help eliminate those tine varicose veins and varicose veins by treating it just under the skin’s surface.


For this treatment, you usually need more than one laser session to see results. Sessions are typically scheduled every six to 12 weeks, depending on your varicose veins’ condition and as prescribed by your doctor.


The simple laser treatment can be used in conjunction with endogenous laser or radiofrequency treatment, sclerotherapy, or with surgery. This is done because often, the larger feeder vein must be treated first for the simple laser treatment to work. It is a standard procedure for those with poor blood circulation.